Published Papers

The Sthanikas and their Historical Importance

By: BA Saletore

Published: Journal Of The University Of Bombay, July 1938, Vol VII, Part I

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Swatantrya Samara - 1837 (in Kannada)

By: Padebettu Deva Rao (Pa. Deva Rao)

Published: Sudarshana - Dr. TMA Pai Abhinandana Grantha, 1977.

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Shivalli Brahmanas: A Historical Analysis

By: Dr. Malini Adiga

Published: Shivalli Brahmanaru, ed. HBL Rao, 2001.

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A Copper Plate Inscription from South Kanara

By: HR Nagaraja Sharma

Published: Studies in Indian Epigraphy, Vol. 29 (2003)

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Nattojas: Revisiting the Puttur Copper Plate Inscription

By: Shreyas Kolpe

Published: Tuluva, Vol. 13 No. 1 (Jan - Mar 2023)

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Sthanika to Brahmin: Narratives, Institutions and Identity in Caste Mobility

By: Shreyas Kolpe

Published: Unpublished MA thesis (May 2023)

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